Health ICT

Health ICT: New Name, Same Mission

2021年,卫生信息通信技术加入了堪萨斯卫生商业集团. However, 工作和使命仍然是一样的:帮助提供者改进识别, prevention, and management of individuals with diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.

由疾病控制中心(CDC)提供资金, we collaborate with healthcare providers to develop team-based care approaches to care delivery in which non-physician team members are empowered to handle the more predictable, routine tasks in patient care to ensure consistency and to allow the physician to focus on the more severe patient issues.

Since 2016, we have been assisting providers in Wichita and across the state by providing funding and free technical assistance. 请参阅下面的图表,以更好地了解我们的质量改进过程. Contact us to learn more!

Clinical Quality Improvement Projects

与堪萨斯大学威奇托医学院合作, we have completed several quality improvement projects within physician offices that address the identification, treatment, 并(必要时)转诊糖尿病前期患者, diabetes, hypertension, or elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Some successful projects include:

Best Practice for Predicting Cardiac Disease

Hypertension Treatment Algorithm

Assessing Cardiovascular Risk and Statin Use

Tracking and Improving Diabetic Control


Implementing Twine

Resources for Team-Based Care

在医疗保健实践中实施质量改进计划时, there’s no need to re-invent the wheel. Below is a list of of best practices.

  • AMA Steps Forward Team-Based Care Module: This collection of AMA’s STEPS Forward® 工具包提供了正规澳门赌场app如何实现基于团队的护理以节省时间的经过验证的策略, 与你的团队重新分配和分担责任, 让你提供更好更及时的治疗.
  • The Weitzman Institute’s “Upskilling” Program:认识到辅助专业人员的巨大价值和重要性, the Weitzman Institute provides various upskilling education efforts specifically geared towards MAs and CHWs. This is done to support this segment of the workforce in enhancing their performance and competencies, 同时也为他们在该领域的职业发展做好准备.
  • AHRQ白皮书:创建以患者为中心的团队基础初级保健: This paper proposes a conceptual framework for the integration of team-based care and patient-centered care in primary care settings, as well as offers some practical strategies to support the implementation of patient-centered team-based primary care.
  • IHI的各种团队护理网络研讨会,会议和论文:为优化基于团队的初级保健提供了大量资源.
  • ACP’s Team-Based Care Toolkit: This toolkit shares best practices and real-life examples of successful team-based clinical care models that include internal medicine physicians working with Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) and other members of the clinical care team.
  • The Primary Care Collaborative: The Primary Care Collaborative (PCC) is a not-for-profit multi-stakeholder membership organization dedicated to advancing an effective and efficient health system built on a strong foundation of primary care and the patient-centered medical home.
  • Intent-based leadership International: Intent-Based Leadership is a system of language and practices which challenges traditional leadership models and creates leaders at all levels, 帮助组织改变工作方式和决策方式.
  • Dr. Bob Badgett’s Living Systematic Review of the Effect of Participation in Quality Improvement Projects本文研究了与实施质量改进项目相关的职业倦怠, as well as effective ways to structure a quality improvement project for optimal results with minimal provider burnout.
  • Bob Badgett和Julia Emberson的“对比表”: This project is a meta-narrative summary of positive deviance and similar studies that give qualitative contrasts of individual clinicians or clinical sites who are positive deviants in a process or outcome measure, 与那些不是亮点的个人或网站相比.




与患者健康的社会决定因素(SDoH)相关的因素可以发挥同样大的作用, often times bigger, than the clinic care they receive. 为了确定患者的需求,可能需要SDoH筛查工具. 它们有很多可用的,其中一些比其他的更适合某些环境. 点击这里查看许多可用的SDoH筛选工具的比较列表.

Holistic Care Providers & Resources

在治疗患者时,重要的是要全面解决他们的健康问题. Holistic care is a comprehensive health management approach to improve the condition of mind, emotions, and behavior of patients with diabetes to better regulate blood glucose levels and improve quality of life. 整体护理关注的是人的整体体验和状况, both physically, emotionally, socially, culturally, and spiritually, 而且不仅考虑到疾病对病人的影响, but also on the patient’s family and community. Holistic care providers and resources in Sedgwick County and across the state of Kansas are:

  • A Clear Direction
  • Addictive Behavioral Change Health Group, LLC
  • Advocate Care Services, Inc
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Aveto Mind & Body Health Care Inc
  • Baptist Homeless Ministries
  • Brookside Satellite of Hunt Health
  • Calvary Chapel of Wichita, Inc
  • Camy Jo Connor Foundation
  • 塞西尔加德纳金融知识社区中心
  • Cedar Pointe Church
  • A Clear Direction, Inc
  • 中原地区老龄局(项目访问)
  • Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County
  • Colvin Senior Center, Inc
  • Down Syndrome Society of Wichita
  • 常青社区中心免下车移动食品储藏室
  • Freedom Hooves Therapeutic Riding Center
  • GraceMed
  • Guadalupe Clinic
  • Holy Family Medical
  • Hunter Health
  • ICT Food Circle
  • Interim Healthcare
  • Kansas Accessible and Needs Foundation
  • Kansas Food Bank Mobile Produce Pantry
  • Kansas Meditation Center
  • 堪萨斯州烟草公司戒烟热线:800-784-8669 (800-QUIT-NOW)
  • 为医务人员提供戒烟培训
  • Kidscope, Inc
  • Learning Express Educational Center, Inc
  • Medical Loan Closet
  • 堪萨斯州中南部心理健康协会
  • Messiah’s Branch
  • New Hope Christian Church
  • Preferred Family Healthcare
  • Project Independence
  • Real Life Counseling
  • Rising Star Baptist Church
  • Salvation Army
  • Senior Services Inc of Wichita
  • Table of Hope
  • Greater Wichita YMCA
  • The Journey Church
  • Tower of Ivory, Inc
  • United Methodist Youthville
  • Voice of the Earth Society
  • Wichita First Church of the Nazarene
  • Women of Purpose, Inc
  • Woodland Lakes Community Kids Towne, Inc

Diabetes Prevention and Management

糖尿病的识别、治疗和转诊最好是团队合作. By allowing non-physician team members, such as nurses, medical assistants, or pharmacists, 医生可以专注于更急性和严重的情况.

Learn how diabetes care can be done differently (5 minutes)

为了提高循证项目的入学率, 如糖尿病预防计划(DPP)和糖尿病自我管理教育 & 支持(DSMES),我们努力维护全州所有供应商的名单.

点击任意一张图片即可查看和下载完整版本. 我们可以免费为您打印并提供这份讲义, 同时在上面加上你公司的标志. Contact us to learn more!

Hypertension Control

Controlling a patient’s hypertension is one of the most effective live-prolonging therapies in medicine. 为了协助医生和她的护理团队, 对病人来说,在诊所外检查血压是很重要的.

We’ve developed a partnership with the Wichita Fire Department and Sedgwick County Emergency Medical Service (EMS) to perform trained blood pressure checks for any individual, 24/7/365. This handout, 哪些可以用您的诊所徽标和患者门户网站信息免费定制, 为病人提供所有消防局和急救站的地图, as well as a blood pressure tracking card to record their readings and return them to their provider.

点击任意一张图片即可查看和下载完整版本. 我们可以免费为您打印并提供这份讲义, 同时在上面加上你公司的标志. Contact us to learn more!

KDHE Self Management Program Map

The Kansas Department of Health & 环境(KDHE)最近开发了一个新的全州自我管理计划地图. This map will help guide you and your patients or employees to programs available throughout the State of Kansas, including Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, EnhanceFitness, Healthy Heart Ambassadors, Diabetes Prevention Programs, and Walk With Ease.

Click here to access the map and find a program near you!


Pharmacists are an often under-utilized source of expertise when helping patients prevent or manage chronic disease. 当被授权在他们的执照上工作时, 药剂师可以改善病人的健康状况, 同时大大减轻了医生的负担.

根据医生和药剂师之间的正式协议, called Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs), physicians develop a protocol for how the pharmacist can care for patients with specific conditions. Learn more about how a CPA works, 听听一位以这种方式与药剂师合作的医生的意见. 通过观看下面的录音来了解更多信息.

Elements of a CPA (5 minutes)

合作实践协议:医生的观点 (6 minutes)

Community Health Workers

A Community Health Worker (CHW) is a frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of and/or has an unusually close understanding of the community served. This trusting relationship enables the worker to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.

A CHW also builds individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support and advocacy.

Check out these short videos to learn more:

How CHWs are impacting the health of Kansans (5 minutes)

How CHWs are chosen by their community (6 minutes)